Pole Bending and Horsemanship Section
From this page you can get to all our information on pole bending, speed event horsemanship, and horse training.
( Use the menu on the left, or follow the summary descriptions below. )

Pole Bending Clinics
We conduct a limited number of speed event horsemanship and pole bending clinics throughout the year. You can find detailed clinic information on the Pole Bending Clinics Page >>

Pole Bending DVDs
We offer our own DVD set on Pole Bending Technique. It is filled with information, including techniques, training exercises, and practice drills. You can find more details and ordering information on the Pole Bending DVDs page>>

Pole Bending Video Reviews via email
We can review videos of your pole bending runs, and email you a document of stop action video frames and commentary with each frame. We will add photos and comments of pole bending demonstrations and training exercises to help you progress to higher levels of competition. You can find a sample review and more information on the Video Reviews Page >>

Pole Bending Help
There is a wealth of information on pole bending technique and speed event horsemanship to be found on the Pole Bending Help Page >>
Pole Bending Recommended books
We provide information on some of our favorite books on the subjects of pole bending, horsemanship, and the mental game of competition. We do not sell these books, but we recommend them and tell you where you can obtain them. You can find more details and ordering information on the Recommended Books page>>

Pole Bending Bases
We have written a review of several models of pole bending bases. You can find that information with photos on the Pole Bending Bases Page >>

Speed Event Equipment - bits, tiedowns, etc.
We tell you about our favorite bits and other equipment. We are often asked at our clinics about our preferences, and how we adjust and use our equipment. You can find this information with photos on the Speed Event Equipment Page >>

The Significance of the Snaffle Bit
We have written a brief explanation of the importance of the snaffle bit. The snaffle bit is a precision tool for establishing high levels of horse handling. Some regard the snaffle as a kind of kindergarten bit that, once the horse graduates to grammar school, the bit no longer serves a purpose. That couldn't be further from reality. You can find this information with photos on the Snaffle Bit Basics Page >>
Ken and Pat Smith
Sunrise West Quarter Horses, LLC
2240 4th Avenue
Clarkston, Washington 99403
All content in this document copyright © Sunrise West Quarter Horses, LLC, all rights reserved.